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About Vistazar

Vistazar Arad's business group with extensive presence in the global and domestic markets provides the necessary facilities for creating high quality food products including beverage, dairy and ice cream industries, desserts, sweets and chocolates, cakes and cookies, sauce production, snack production, Bread and other bakery products, oil and margarine industries and pharmaceutical, cosmetic and cosmetic industries. To cater for the needs of consumers and to provide the best products with internationally acclaimed suppliers, including :

  • CARGILL : Producer of stublaser and hydrocolloids and starches used in the dairy industry, sweets and chocolates, sauces, beverages - bakery and meat products, and others.
  • ROHA DYCHEM : The largest producer of all kinds of synthetic paints from India
  • ROHA EUROPE : Produces a variety of natural colors and colorful dishes from Spain
  • IGH FLAVOURS & TECHNOLOGY : IGH FLAVORS & TECHNOLOGY Producer of various natural flavors, natural and synthetic base from Spain
  • AUSTRAILIAN DAIRY GOODS : AUSTRAILIAN DAIRY GOODS: A producer of condensed protein powder and other dairy stublasers from Australia
  • THERMPHOS : THERMPHOS: Produces various phosphate salts, used for dairy, bakery, confectionery, chocolate and meat products, and others. . Produces various phosphate salts, used for dairy, bakery, confectionery, chocolate and meat products, and others.

It should be noted that the company is only acting as an exclusive representation of those companies.

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Vistazar News

International Iran Agri Food

Location : Tehran International Permanet Fairgrounds

Hall : 35               Booth : 20

Date : 29 June to 2 July 2018


Get new dealerships

Getting company representation Cargill

    Getting company representation thermPhos


Vistazar Company invites you to visit the booth of ROHA and CARGILL companies at the gulfood manufacturing exhibition in 2016.

Date : 7-9 nov 2016


Sample Request Online

To order products, you can register the product sample online through the following page.

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